2008年7月24日 星期四

一封由auditor发出的 email

Since the tax deadline for Dec year end company is soon coming, Partner is quite busy to clear those accounts first. I am afraid I cannot promise you the accounts can be issued in Jul (actually just few days left). What I can promise is that I will speed up the process and definitely earlier than last year.

Besides, what is the exact deadline you have to submit the accounts to the bank? and which bank?

先讲下来龙去脉. Auditors 6月10日开始做 field audit, 7 月11日走. 以我们一间公司仔, 相对来讲算是时间充足. 至于 audited accounts, 由6月尾我就开始叫佢地俾skeleton我, 终于7月2日拿到手. 我7月4日已经上晒数俾番佢地. 我明白Auditors 有好多Jobs系手, 其他Jobs要赶tax deadline, 但系既然落Job 之前我都讲左话要快出Accounts, 甘又点解无安排好D 时间呢? "actually just a few days left" 系你嗰问题, 唔系我嗰问题哦!

种有, 我点讲都系client, Auditors 系serve 紧我. 你问我嗰Bank deadline 我都唔怪你, 不过以前D Bank deadline 好似无次可以 meet 到哦, 讲了又点呢? 种有, 你问埋系边个 bank, 呢样野就真系好离铺. 家下系你同我交代究竟几时可以出到 Accounts, 而唔系我同你交代我公司内部资料, 你理得我同什么Bank 有deal 呢?

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