2008年7月18日 星期五


早上看地铁派发的免费报纸, 其中有一则新闻是: 奥运其间全国禁售感冒药. 再看具体内容, 那些禁卖的药种类繁多, 除了有医治感冒外, 还有治过敏/支气管哮喘/镇痛,镇静/肠胃/止泻....几百种药.

奥运是中国盛事, 应该是大众同乐. 但中共似乎把神经绷得太紧, 一片喜气盛事搞得像战争戒严一样. 保持环境清洁而要工厂停产尚可理解; 怀疑有个别记者造谣生事而没收签证也贯彻中共的处事风格; 但在奥运其间不许全国人民生病, 似乎太过走火入魔了吧! 如果这几百种药物里面的成分对人体有害, 应该不只是奥运其间才禁止. 如果是怕运动员误吃了违禁药, 应该教育全体运动员, 或派专科医生全天后侍候. 如果怕有人买了药然后向运动员落药, 应该加强保安工夫.

如果有人不巧奥运前夕病倒了, 没药可吃, 拖延病情到奥运结束才能用药, 这是多么罪过啊!

2 則留言:

  1. Ever wonder why they have to do so much in order to make an impression on people? The answer is plain simple, they are not ready.

    However due to the word "superstitious" they sometimes have to sacrifice a lot. I would always think that if the Olympics were to be hosted by China in 2012 or 2016 instead of 2008. Things would be much better. However, the number "8" means just a little bit too much to them.

    Make no mistake, they are improving, those who have had an education is slowly entering the pyramid from the bottom. The problem is just that the people in charge are still the ones from the 1960s and 1970s, those with just a primary school degree.

    Let time work its magic and when this generation dies out, the next one will make things better. As of right now, let's just pray for a peaceful Olympics.

  2. Yes, I agree with you.

    Communist is unable to continue blocking the information flow from Western Countries to China and vice versa. Thanks to the WWW. It cultivates Chinese youth in an environment with certain level of freedom. China will be better off in next generations.
