2008年8月30日 星期六

会计界膠人 - 谭香文

谭香文做左四年垃圾局议员, 搞过什么我不知道, 但她竟然在2008年2月4日出封这样的信, 实在令人大开眼界.

Introduction of Tax Licensing Regime in Hong Kong

I am writing to propose a new taxation regime which will require all tax returns of businesses and individuals to be prepared and approved by licensed persons (mainly qualified accountants and other suitably qualified professionals) before they are submitted to the Inland Revenue Department.

It has come to my understanding that the Inland Revenue Department has spent a lot of resources and time in recent years to review tax returns and unfortunately many of the tax returns were not appropriately prepared, as a result of which the Inland Revenue Department has to spend a lot of effort in obtaining the full and complete information required by a tax return. Such effort incurs huge administrative costs and a heavy burden to the tax assessors and then adversely affected the efficiency of the Inland Revenue Department.

With their expertise, licensed persons can screen out, inappropriateness and even intentional faults of the enterprises’ tax returns and correct them. If a licensing system is imposed tax returns can be ensured to be in line with the tax policy and requirements and in a good quality. High quality, appropriately prepared tax returns will definitely reduce the administrative cost of Inland Revenue Department and reduce the case which leads to tax avoidance.

It would be well appreciated if you could consider the policy proposed. I am prepared to meet with you for further information. Please feel free to contact me for further queries.

她的意思, 即是所有人, 包括个人及机构交 salary tax/profit tax/property tax, 都要交会计师先审核/签名, 才可以交给政府.

甘搞法, 本来只要交报税表但不用交税的人, 都要出钱请会计师来"审核"份报税表. 人呢, 饮大两杯high high 地讲错野都种可以原谅, formally 写信系要经过心思熟虑架, 讲埋晒D甘荒謬0既野, 真系离谱.

早几年前, 美国因为Enron 事件, 搞了条 Sarbane-Oxley Act 出来, 马上造成会计师短缺, 薪酬水涨船高, 之但系, 人地都系拿D 上市公司开刀, 而且出发点是保障投资者 (实际成效存疑!!!). 现在香港有D 钱的富豪/企业, 一定有 tax consultant / accountant 帮手处理 tax return, 家下谭香文的提议, 即是叫那些穷人, 即使不需要交税给政府, 都要交 audit fee.

虽然甘样可能令我马上发达, 但呢D 不义之财, 真系宁可唔赚. 谭香文呢种膠到无朋友的膠人, 真系影衰会计界. 本来今年无打算去投票, 但见到呢种告急情况, 一定要去投.........是但投嗰谭香文的对家都好.

4 則留言:

  1. 無錯呀, 此做法有欠從公共大眾的角度考慮。
    如自顧或做生意人士當然需要 CPA 來想辦法去劃稅, 但一些普羅大眾打工一族, 每月 fixed income, CPA 的作用就...囉 !

    香港另一奇怪現象, 就是買物業要經律師; 無錯可保障一些法律盲, 但應可容許另一交收方法存在, 如設立 "公證行" 制度 (一切也是根據房地產法) 讓交投頻繁的人士...可減免很多無謂開支, 又有助刺激市場的流通, 及製造更多就業機會, 一舉幾得 !

    香港立法機構就是這樣固步自封, 不接受新方法/制度, 浪費盡香港的人力資源, 拖慢其 (相對其他亞洲地區) 的發展步伐。

  2. 其实买卖物業的的文件, 某程度上都是 standardized 了, 真不知道为什么一定要让律师去做.

  3. i playe dwth SO404 before....IT....totally rubbish.......useless and not effective.....i dont know who made this

  4. 那些别有用心的律师/会计师/IT consultant 哦, 想想谁会是既得利益者?
