2008年9月6日 星期六

CPA 的形象是如何被摧毁的?

CPA in HIP HOP way


If you haven't seen the video, you can't imagine how disgusting the play.

If you do see the video, you can understand how silly CPAs behave.

CPAs sing and dance in HIP HOP way, Girls are idiots, Guys are gay.

Your stomach was agitated; You would vomit all the things you ate ; You shall lose weight.

The vulgar tricks are made, with bad taste, by using the membership fee we pay, and we have no say!

It ruined the reputation of CPAs, it created the image of stupid slaves.

It turned talented people away, no genius is willing to stay.

It comes up to a devastating fate, everyone lose their faith, the disaster is yet to face.

It's the end of CPA day. How pity to be a CPA !!


「朋友」的EMAIL提到CPA垃圾局议员谭香民, 摧毁业界形象, 在此不得不提, HKICPA 在2006拍的这条宣传片的杀伤力实在不容小嘘.

这条片甚至比「超人律师」谢伟俊「裸体走中环」更据震撼力, 因为谢伟俊的行为可以看成独立个案, 但HKICPA是会计师的「官方机构」, 代表整个业界.

7 則留言:

  1. On the contrary, I found these young kids were so energetic and lovely !! Moreover, they must be very pleasant/fun to work with (of coz, they can't deal with clients this HIP HOP way).
    HK lacks of creative youth to take over some jobs from the old butts. Maybe, it is a good thing to see !!
    In some countries, the main office of MSDW, JPMCM, ML, GS, S&P...they do encourage this kind of atmosphere.:D
    (It's nice to have a coherent way mixing "Profession & Fun" together, isn't it ?)

  2. 我想最大问题是, 这班人不是CPA入面真的懂跳HIP HOP 嗰班人 (有两嗰男仔好少少), 所以跳到好勉强, 尤其是嗰阿叔, 所以搞到整体感觉超级骑呢. 如果认认真真去找一班懂跳HIP HOP 的人来跳, 效果会好好多.

    就算跳到Freeze甘, 我都唔介意...哈哈哈哈哈........

  3. 妳講開, 我又睇多次...
    第一個原來都好攞命呀 d 口音, 再加隻活力呀叔在後...唔唔唔...CPA 真係好...哈哈哈哈...

  4. those chicks are pretty ok wor,...

  5. One of the chicks is my colleague. HAHAHA~~

  6. wah!!!!which one!!!which one!!!!wowo~~~~~~
