2008年11月14日 星期五



1. 要多少钱才能退休?
2. 退休可以去哪一个城市住? (香港人多车多, 生活指数又高, 实在不是适合退休的地方. 如果可以的话, 我觉得泰国是一个不错的地方.)
3. 退休之后可以做些什么?

16 則留言:

  1. 但那裡的天氣可能不啱你,

  2. 那边的天气比香港适合我, 太陽晒我其实无问题, 只要搽足够的防晒及戴帽, 穿合适的衣服就OK. 我之前去Bali 及 Phuket都无问题, 一样皮光肉滑, 青靓白净.

  3. to calculate how much money you are going to need to retire. First figure out how much money you need and then figure out how you are going to get that money (maybe a money generating business, rental income from real-estate, or simply bank interest).

    It then become a simple calculation.

    I realize that I need 20 million in the bank to retire. with 5% interest I get about 1 million a year which is more than I need. So I can start by taking out 48,000 and then adjust for inflation annually.

  4. Desertfox,

    Actually, I have consider that figure. Let's say, I need at least HK$8K monthly purchasing power for basic needs. (~HK$21.7K in terms of future value after 20 years, by assuming annual inflation rate = 5%)

    If I want to retire at 50 years old and die at 85 years old, that means I have 20 more years working life to earn money for 35 years retirement life. In that case, I need to save HK$10.5K per month right now.

    However, if I want to retire at 40 years old, that would be a totally different picture.

  5. bottle,
    Your monthly saving amount is based on how many percent of return? I have ran a simliar calculation and I used a 9% average return per year and an inflation rate of 3% average per year.

    As for where to retire. Let's worry about that when the day comes, a lot can change in 30 years. By then, maybe China would be the best place to retire.

  6. 退休可以去哪一个城市住?
    -->碧桂園 :)

  7. 中国的污染太严重啦, 我觉得泰国可能会好D. 而且中国D 野最太镬系即时食你唔死, 但搞到你周身病痛, dum 几年, 饱受折磨而死.


    You have run similar calculation and conclude that you need to save HK$ 48K per month?

    What kind of luxurious retirement life you can have. That's really a lot of money indeed.

    After calculation, I realize I am unable to retire at 40 years old. 灰爆 !!!!!

  8. 睇完你既post,
    睇完個e-banking 餘款,
    睇怕我要做到60歲先有得(被迫)退呀! :(

  9. 但之前係意大利皮膚敏感, 那是因為咩?

  10. 意大利皮膚敏感是因为用错了护肤品+无搽适合的防晒.

    我系自从嗰次之后, 先至识得走去搵适合自己的防晒, 现在用了几年曼修雷敦, 在阳关底下每隔一两个小时就要重新搽, 已经无再试过晒伤.

  11. 自由行:


  12. 唔駛為錢愁, 三餐一宿, 平平凡凡, 得閒可以去下旅行就得. 平時生活不需要豪.

  13. 自由行:

    甘如果你有层楼住, 每个月大概用相当于现在的HK$8,000就差不多.

    HK$8,000入面, 有大概HK$1,200用来交电/水/煤/宽频/有线/NOW/电话等杂费.

    视乎你住的是什么楼, 一般的楼管理费用大概HK$1,000 - HK$1,500.

    如果自己煮饭, 多菜少肉的话, 大概HK$4,000都OK.

    每个月剩下的少少钱, 可以用来:
    1. 作必要的楼宇维修 (例如烂灯/烂门/烂天花/烂水箱 .......)
    2. 医疗费用
    3. 身体好的话可以去旅行

  14. 小瓶子:

    好多謝你幫我做一個理財分析, 可惜..我係三無人士, 「無樓、無車、無人養」呀!
    我同屋企人住, 要供養父親, 人工又雞碎咁多.所以退休對我黎講真係好遠好遠呀!^^

  15. 自由行:

    我都系同父母住, 要供养父母吖.

    我好你少少啦, 我是「無車、無人養」.

    事实上, 点计都好, 都系要等父母百年归老, 先有资格退休呵.
