2009年2月18日 星期三

Revolutionary Road

This movie tells us one thing: if a couple is fighting hard, then both of them should shut up, go away and try to calm down. This is a good way to avoid saying something that will make you regret or rather bit off your tongue than to speak it out.

Frankness is a merit. However, too frank to each other, trying your partner's threshold does more harm than good.

The wife thinks that the unhappiness of her marriage is because her husband is doing a job he dislikes. Therefore, she suggests to go to Paris and start all over again. At the beginning, the husband agrees with her because he is a nobody in his home country. He works monotonously just like his father. Both of them want to escape from the hopelessness and emptiness of life. However, the situation changes later, the husband is appreciated by his head after one incidence. He gets promoted and rewarded with big money. The job suddenly becomes less disgusting because he finally achieves recognition and job satisfaction. It is unfortunate that the wife doesn't realise it and insists to give up all the things and go to Paris. The wife fails to understand the root cause of her husband's unhappiness has been eliminated. Two people keeps on arguing on and on and hurt each other so much. Pathetically, a decision made after a huge fight can be fatal.

2 則留言:

  1. With all the terrible financial news around the world, I gave up watching too many sad films including this one and The Reader both with Kate Winslet.

    Now if Winslet wins with The Reader, it will be so fun to watch this episode of The Extras again just for what she said in it about Oscar.


  2. yup.. when you are stressed, you'd better watch funny film.
