2009年3月9日 星期一

Bad English

我真系唔明, 依架唔系事必要讲英文, 但你讲既将会令人睇到人都颠. 甘点解种要用英文留言呢?

匿名 提到...
i had saw the whole interview... and i still dont know the following point:
1, why she remind us her past experience? Is it she felt that we will give herself a NEW justification or image?! (give someone justification and image?)
2, Although, this is local culture from TVB, to increase their watching rate, but HK's ethic and respect spirit should be still lost from this kind of artists?(what is the meaning of "respect spirit"?)
3, Finally, lets focus on international economy much useful than the current international joke (especially great china)...

nowaday HK should be self- motivate, and cooperate together its will be the only way go out of the current risk...we are hongkongese and live in hong kong we should escape and growth from ourselve. The traditional hongkongese spirit are willing to work hard and enhance each ohter... past ago we do in the future and so on!!

11 則留言:

  1. 或者對方唔識打中文呢!!!

    不過d串字唔肯定就應該去yahoo度check check喇!!

  2. 一係唔識,一係打中文太慢情願打simple english。

    ohter是打得太快之故,great china是chinglish。

  3. ohter <---呢D 都算情有可原, 但其他...

  4. 呢D 英文绝对不 simple, 因为我要来回睇几次, 先大概明白嗰作者想讲乜.

  5. 弊, 我竟然一睇就明佢講乜.....

  6. 快過頭打錯字?

  7. 快过头都唔会成篇野写到甘吖?

  8. 陳大文部落 提到...



  9. 我都系发表个人意见, 至于我的意见是否五十步笑一百步, 见人见智啦.

    至于留言者意思是否讲得明白, 我个人来讲就觉得非常不明不白咯. 睇到头晕!

    我并非反对人去留言, 但如果英文真系唔好, 点解要架硬用英文? High class D?

  10. 小瓶子,




  11. 匿名 提到...
    Dear Diamond

    I appologise that waste your space for discuss the problem about hk gal in my opinion. this respond just for a gal may be not at all gal.

    i would like to respond a real example for the poor quality hk's gal...
    i had make a respond for the topic about gillian in recently discussion. By the way i just wanna explain my opinion only. but小瓶子 (i will category her as a poor quality hk’s gal) who will make a lot of grammar check in my respond. And never been access the current situation as well.
    First of all, as a responder I felt that the content more serious than the grammar, also many ppl not too interest to typing chinese, unluckily, she just respond her own opinion for her points but never respects to other responder. anyway, diamond blog provide the space for discuss something but not for grammar checking right? why i should type the formal writing in here, secondly, I study in australia and use general english, the purpose for a language is for communication not for just grammar writing. my purpose is encourage another points for discussion not to narrow to focus on grammar.
    finally, why I said that gal is poor quality not only the gal dont respect to others point (point of don’t respect human right), its fine. also she apply her great english level (point of selfish, the world is around her only) and knowledge to proof somebody else is poor in english (point of discriminate to others) but she don’t consider the current situation at all (point of don’t care anything to achieve her goals). actually I make a depth brainstorm should I continuous to argue with her? but I felt it’s an example for proof how poor quality about her or about this kind of gal.

    how about your feeling or advise?

    with thanks and regards

    the poor in english guy to respond the good at english gal

    2009年03月16日 星期一 上午3:35

