2009年3月3日 星期二

Interview with Wong Yuk Man in English

Just found this video clip from Kempton's blog. It's eye catching because I have never heard Wong Yuk Man spoke English. I think the content is Ok. He can clearly present his view. The only problem is that there are too many "You know.....you know ..... and you know....." Hahaha~~

8 則留言:

  1. 癲狗D英文發音好過陳加利議員
    佢D "you know"其實即係"errr"
    都係普遍香城人轉唔切channel o既問題。

  2. 系呀... 我会errrr errrr errrr...甘.

  3. 都係咁上下,因為黃毓民同我地普遍香港市民一樣,好少會喺平日講英語,黃能夠 so far 清楚表達意思,係咁上下囉,而佢嘅政治工作,又無乜話要 sell 英文。


    至於 [ you know you know...],即係腦裡諗緊下一句講乜,正在自我翻譯。

  4. 其实虽然黃毓民讲得唔系话好好, 但你可以见到佢完全系好自信, 好镇定. 起码你不会替他着急, 死啦点算, 佢会不会接唔落去甘.


  5. Dear 小瓶子,

    Thanks for linking to my English interview with Yuk Man which I conducted so Canadians who don't understand Cantonese can hear him directly.

    You are a bit picky with his "you know ... you know ..." as I think his English is actually much better than many HongKongers. Many of those so called university educated HKers speak English either in HK English (i.e. you understand them much better if you translate their English one word at a time back to Cantonese) or non-sensical English (i.e. you can't even guess if you translate what they say back to Cantonese).

    Thanks for sharing the video,

  6. >>>>Many of those so called university educated HKers speak English either in HK English (i.e. you understand them much better if you translate their English one word at a time back to Cantonese) or non-sensical English (i.e. you can't even guess if you translate what they say back to Cantonese)

    That's exactly the situation when I need to talk in English.

    My English is bad but I also like to laugh at others...haha~~

  7. 我不能一竹竿打一船人,有些HKers英文都市好好。

  8. 我呢D...系五十步笑百步....No kidding, I am serious.
