2009年3月11日 星期三

What's a big deal?

最近出了两宗名人吸大麻案. 我不知道这些事件是否对青少年有很深远的影响. 在我眼中, what's a big deal? 他们要自残身体, 这跟其他人晚晚LKF饮酒一样. 只不过是前者有法律责任, 后者如果没有驾车, 就没有法律责任而已. 他们犯法, 自然会有法律去制裁他们, 何必向人民交代道歉?

菲爾普斯吸大麻, 影响他的广告收入. 如果他不需要靠广告赚钱, 吸大麻死是自己事, 他大可以走出来说大麻不是禁药, 我有我吸大麻的自由. 即使他现在向现实低头, 向群众道歉, 我都会怀疑他心里是否真的如此想. 除非他一直服用大麻, 下届奥运会一面金牌都拿不到, 然后再向群众解释大麻的祸害, 这可信度就比较高了.

另外两位香港的名星仔除了做偶像派歌手, 似乎没有其他技能. 你说他们歌唱的特别好听吗? 不见得是. 充其量只能说是比普通人唱K 好一点点. 他们早前曾经出席政府禁毒宣传, 现在又被找到藏毒罪证. 这正好告诉泄世未深的小朋友, 大人社会是充斥着鬼话连篇的假话. 提醒他们不要太迷恋偶像, 要有自我. 同时也教精他们, 要讲大话也要先掂量掂量自己有没有掩饰的能力, 否则謊言被拆穿的一刻, 后果将会是粉身碎骨.

6 則留言:

  1. 要怪就怪那個蠢材政府老是要找這些白痴幫忙....那些白痴連自己的行業也幹不好,幫政府的話只會幫倒忙。


  2. Originally, the government wants to pick out a few "successful" people to tell the society to stay away from drugs and be "successful", but to keep the budget at a reasonable level, they can't afford to hire "Superman Lee" or anyone on that level, 10A student never caught anyones attention. So they have to settle for these 二打六 celebrities and unfortunately the chance of finding a celebrity who does 黄赌毒 is easier than losing money in the stock market today. Thus leading to these scandals all the time.

    Gill preaching no sex before marriage achieved the same result as well.

    As for Phelps, he will be fine. The world is too big and he will always find someone who loves him. Just like Kobe Bryant.

  3. I think Gill's case is worse than these two celebrities. I do pity her but I cannot believe anything she said right now.

  4. 通探:


  5. 壹周我都睇~蔡瀾寫野都幾好睇!
    娛樂版同周刊係分有別架,娛版D標題成日玩食字玩到離晒譜,內容又煩又日日都差唔多,睇到小詩都有D覺得煩~週刊一個星期一次,篇幅又短係好睇D o既!

  6. 壹周我通常看经济嗰本... 娱乐好少睇.
