2009年10月13日 星期二


上课听老师讲, 他对人性有很强烈的感受. 当观看《禮儀師の奏鳴曲》时, 抽搐式哭泣, 哭到无法镇静下来, 想控制也无法控制得住.

由于好奇, 我回想了一下当时自己的心情: 《禮儀師の奏鳴曲

天生敏感, 使他能够迅速体验被治疗者的心路里程, 了解人性. 不过反过来, 被治疗者十之八九都是有强烈的负面情绪, 作为治疗师, 需要有很强的功力, 才能帮自己疏渡这些情绪. 否则走火入魔, 能医不自医.

想起《本能2》里面, 一位犯罪心理专家, 被玩至精神崩溃的场面, 实在非常可怕.

13 則留言:

  1. 「禮儀師的奏鳴曲」呢套戲,唔係話唔好,OK一般,但你個老師(唔知咩老師、男人?)可以話睇到「抽搐式哭泣, 哭到无法镇静下来...」,唔知呢個「老師」教乜,但...佢嘅情緒真係過度敏感喎。

    套戲嘅故事係屬於感人、情節亦安排得不錯,總之係 OK 一般唔錯咁嗟,又唔係講到話要喊到收唔到咁誇張。




  2. 心理学家都系人, 都需要宣泄情绪. 自己私底下观赏电影, 接受到很强烈的讯息而去哭泣, 我认为无问题.

    心理治疗师之所以可以贴近病人的心, 本身的性格必须要非常敏感, 只有感同身受, 才比较容易与病人建立互信关系. 试想想你去见治疗师, 他木口木面爱理不理的, 你也没有兴趣膛开心扉吧.

    老师在治疗的过程, 必要时甚至会与病人一同哭泣, 替病人抒发情绪. 当然, 他有很多专业技巧去辅导病人, 上堂时只是他介绍自己背景的时候略為提及, 没有深入讲述.

  3. 但你網誌又說

    "不过反过来, 被治疗者十之八九都是有强烈的负面情绪, 作为治疗师, 需要有很强的功力, 才能帮自己疏渡这些情绪. 否则走火入魔, 能医不自医."


    你篇文說 A,有回應類同 A,但你會用 B 來否定,自己否定自己,然後自己再為 B加強說服,實在有趣.

  4. 匿名,唔好再同佢理論, 佢最叻就係.. 死唔認輸. 全世界人有錯,上帝有錯,佢都唔會有錯.最後講到唔夠講就唔答.

    ***睇佢上面對答真係 笑話百出***

  5. for the annoym and vvip up there

    I know you guys might have a hard time to swallow seemingly contradictory concepts, let's hear this story:

    Long time ago, there was a man barely made through a snow storm, he went into this bar and ordered some hot soup. Then he started to blow on his hands.

    The bartender handed the soup over, and asked why the man did that, the man said he was warming his hands up.

    The man filled a spoonful of hot soup, and then he started to blow on the soup. The bartender asked why again, and the man answered that was to cool the soup down.

    Before the man could react, the bartender punched him under and called him a liar, he said " How can you warm and cool things with the same breath?"

  6. yarn , Zzzzzzz story.

  7. yarn,寫的野.. 又長又臭,衰過街邊的阿伯,
    還有 yarn,你是否識睇中文唔識寫的混種中國 '人'???

  8. vvip

    I'm trying to illustrate your logical flaws here, why suddenly go personal on me?

    Is that how you managed? When someone points out the flaws in your arguement, just change the topic?

  9. yarn,
    I'm trying to illustrate your logical flaws here, 要'答'都唔係'你'. 係板主.不過佢無能為力回答.
    Is that how you managed? When someone points out the flaws in your arguement, just change the topic?
    係我對你文章的 感受,絕對不是人身攻擊.

  10. vvip

    Sorry, you have no right dictate who "answer" you, I'm free to comment on your comment.

    Let me help you to understand the meaning of "going personal":

    You made an arguement, I opposed it, and instead of answering my arguements, you just say I'm old and outdated (without answering my arguement), THAT is going personal, no matter what you called it, thank you.

  11. yarn,
    Sorry, you have no right dictate who "answer" you,
    You made an arguement, I opposed it, and instead of answering my arguements, you just say I'm old and outdated (without answering my arguement),係咪一定要答你? 你開個博 等我答你啦.(如果我喜歡,哈哈)

  12. vvip

    wrong metaphor
    you can ignore me, but you can't shut me up, welcome to the world of freedom of speech

    I wasn't answering on behalf of the blog owner, in fact I don't care much about what the blog owner has to say to you, I'm critizing your flawed logic

    you don't need to answer me, note this is the second time you changed topic, guess I was being too hard on you, sorry, have a nice day.

  13. yarn,
    guess I was being too hard on you,
    yes, it is, totaly agree !
    我真係唔識同老人家 溝通.
    u hv a nice day 2!
