2010年1月5日 星期二


今日课堂里, 老师让我们分组讨论一些理念, 其中一条的内容如下:

"Past experience can be important. We solve every day problems effectively by using past experience. Right or Wrong?"

组员的观点是: 这句有时对, 有时错. 过往的经验有时可以帮我们分析现在处理的难题. 不过现在所遇到的难题又未必与以前经验过的完全一样, 所以要视乎情况而定. 而且人遇到某些事情时, 可能会重复去做一些错误的选择.

我附和组员的意见, 并
就重蹈覆辙的观点, 略讲了一下坏习惯及吸毒的例子.

直到这一刻, 大家还是处于理性讨论之中.

然后, 组员说我倆的意见其实并非一致. 原因是她有宗教信仰, 而我则没有. 所谓的
宗教信仰, 只限基督教. 她认为基督徒可以用逻辑的思维接受逻辑以外的东西, 对于未来的事情, 眼界会阔点, 接受新事物的可能性会多点...... (下删一百字基督徒如何比非基督徒优胜)

什么是用逻辑思维接受非逻辑的东西呢? 说得出这种话的人, 大概不知道何为逻辑. 再者, 难道非基督徒不能与基督徒就某命题拥有相同的观点吗? 是否基督徒自以为他的观点一定是比较卓越, 所以明明观点一致, 硬是要画清界线 - 我, 就是和你不一样?

宗教取向, 究竟与命题有什么关系? 讨论基督, 简直离题万丈.

由于时间有限, 我只回应了一句: 那么佛教徒的眼界与基督徒相比又如何呢? 基督徒的局限, 往往是他甚少能看到其他宗教及无神论的可能性.

基督徒经常强调謙卑, 但事实上宗教无助压抑他们内心的自大.

6 則留言:

  1. you faced some extreme Christians who they are narrow-minded. i know 2 extreme Christians like the one you mentioned in this post. other Christian friends that i know are quite open-minded and don't "discriminate" others. it's difficult to communicate with the extremists.


  2. Extreme Christians are here and there. One can quite often meet them.

  3. 佛教徒拜偶像,是魔鬼


  4. 基督徒可以用逻辑的思维接受逻辑以外的东西...


  5. There were only 2 minutes for discussion, therefore, no time for argument.

    The Christian was shocked that I raised such question. It seemed that she hasn't been challenged in this way before.

    Besides, I believed that her education was insufficient for her to understand what's the meaning of logical thinking.

    By the way, there is another point unrelated to this topic that I want to talk about.

    Despites the teacher is a PHD and has good presentation skill, his English is poor. He writes clumsy sentences, together with couples of grammatical mistakes here and there. It makes you confuse when you read his notes and sometimes unable to comprehend them.

  6. 有些人只是習慣性的抱著一個信仰(不全然是宗教)來當成自己與眾不同的因素,你說的這個基督徒可說就是這一類人,但我們每個人幾乎都會有同樣的動作......不全然是宗教,就好象我自以為自己的思想比其他人更開放、更包容、(更邏輯?!)等,因此我也屬于這種人......事實上,我是基督徒,呵呵呵!!
