2010年5月2日 星期日


一套值得一看的旧片, 这套片在2001年上映时, 相信题材新鲜而且悬疑十足. 后来不少悬疑片例如 《Shutter Island》都有类似的桥段.

主角这种情况, 有点像老人痴呆, 只能记住旧事, 但却不能记得新事情. 而老人痴呆更可怕的是连分析能力及组织能力一拼失去, 最后整个人只剩下老旧的躯壳.

如果亲人不停地失去记忆, 不停地重复说一番话, 做同一件事, 身边的人是否接受得了, 是一种考验.

2 則留言:

  1. I love movies with surprise endings or unconventional editing. This is one of the best movie of that type ever! Since that movie, Christopher Nolan has been able to keep up with his good works in Batman Begin, and The Dark Knight. Make sure you check out 'Inception' which will come out this summer!

    If you like 'strange' movie, please check out '21 Grams'. Cheers!

  2. oh.. thanks for your comment, I will pay attention to that.
