2010年5月2日 星期日


I don't think her English is particularly poor and I believed the points she talked about are true. The only problem is that her English is not good enough to deliberately criticise others. So when she makes fun of others, others also make fun of her. Fair enough, isn't it?

5 則留言:

  1. 以中五學生來說, 她的英語會話水平是相當高的, 語言流暢, 語調亦跌宕有致. 我估計, 取笑他的人不少是出於眼紅, 當然, 覺得她態度有點驕矜也是原因之一.

  2. 我觉得是态度.

    如果她很平实地讲出老师的四点错误, 而没有前面什么大部分人都是 primary school student , 只有很少人是 secondary school student. 这应该会好一点.

    但当然, 平实就没有那么多soundbite.

  3. To be honest, her English is pretty good considering she is a local girl.

    People criticised her accent but really, I thought it wasn't that bad. She had enjoyed her moment of 'fame' (she was invited to promote some skincare products on teen magazines) and I agree with your point on her attitude.

  4. 以中五學生來說, 她的英語會話水平是相當高的 x2

    but she's too bitchy~~
