2011年1月27日 星期四

A Downfall of tycoon

No matter how strong, smart and rich a man was, it could be almost impossbile to prevent messy disputes over family issues, if you have more than one wife.

At the final stage of his life, when both his physical and mental health are degenerating, who really care about him? His family members only concern about the controlling power of his empire after his death. His lawyers are aiming to get greatest share of the fee through a series of lengthy lawsuits. The others like you and me treat him as a joke and the whole matter as a soap opera.

Billionaire Stanley Ho Sues Family Members, Lawyer Says

2 則留言:

  1. 八十九歲人, 點解唔一早成立個基金, 將大部份身家注入去, 每房人定期從中收取現金? 真戇居!

  2. 其实他一早安排澳博上市, 就系一个部处.

    你想想, 他太太们在他的身边多年, 跟着他做事, 帮他工作, 一个比一个学得精明. 更何况他暮年时, 他的太太正当盛年, 头脑清醒, 怎斗得过?
