2011年3月11日 星期五

The King's Speech

I have known the storyline of《the King's Speech》well before I went to the cinema. Therefore, when I was watching it, my focus was not merely on how the King overcame his problem of stammer. The interaction between the King and the Queen was also reflective. She had fully accepted the deficiency of her husband. She gave him full support, caring and love. She had a sense of humour and laughed off his husband's stammer. I think it's her wisdom and persevered encouragement that let her husband find his voice and lead the country through war. Frankly speaking, I acknowledge my weakness of being a supportive partner when compared to her.

6 則留言:

  1. By telling us your "weakness of being a supportive partner", you want to say that you are reluctant or unable to support your husband?

  2. By telling us your "weakness of being a supportive partner", you want to say that you are reluctant or unable to support your husband--> hey, be nice.What is your intention?What education give you is the power to change the life, not the rights to start a war./E

  3. 2011年3月12日下午1:30匿名:
    英文, 睇唔明! @@

  4. I mean I don't have the tender heart , the wisdom nor the perseverance as the Queen to support her husband no matter what happens. I can be insufferable and ill-temper sometimes.

    I perceive my own happiness is more important than others and hence I tends to easily giving up. This is just the weakness of my character.

  5. You have the typical character weaknesses of a Hong Kong female except that you are honest and brave enough to face your weaknesses.
