2011年10月8日 星期六


间中会收听 our radio《香港把妹达人》这个节目. 里面的主持人Norris and Santino 教导男生如何用最短的时间把到正妹. 

虽然美其名为女士提供 romance, 但却鼓吹multiple relationships, 教导男人如何做完美的第三者, 甚至觉得第三者才是真爱. 

配合着港女, 剩女, 败犬等时代性及区域性问题, 他们声势日渐壮大, 而且还开班授徒. 从此展开一门生意, 财源滚滚. 男人学了他们的招数后, 情场无往不利, 左右逢源, 左拥右抱, 连叫鸡的钱都省下了, 自然可以向他们进贡学费. 

而滑稽的是, 在事业略有所成时, 创始人Norris and Santino 竟然决裂了, Santino 另起炉灶. 一对号称能够 handle mulitple sets of girls 的 pick up artists, 竟然无法处理 one to one 的兄弟情.

无论是情侣或者兄弟, 面对背叛, 也会怒火攻心, 口出恶言吧!

4 則留言:

  1. I guess they just teach you how to have free lunch, not keeping a long term relationship. LOL

  2. More than free lunch. They even teach you to get financial benefits from women.

    They claim that they are free to choose to have long term relationship with women, if they want to. Besides pick up skills, they also master broke up skills.

    Ironically, their brotherhood was short duration and the broken up was so ugly done.

  3. They claim. I wonder if they are willing to go to Central and try with wealth women

  4. Their usual pick up place is LKF.

    Norris said Santino has pretended to be 鸭, and then charged a woman HKD12,000 after a Macau trip with her.

    These men are "completely rubbish".
