2012年1月31日 星期二

大陆 Smartphone 之麻鬼烦

早前老总抽到 Samsung Galaxy R, 因为见到我没有 smartphone 又很想要, 所以送了给我.

这就见证了中国一句老话: 塞翁得馬焉知非禍!

我去了 SmarTone 出了个 Data plan, 上网研究了老半天, 才知道这些大陆出的手机因为制式问题, 要 "rooting", "install ClockworkMod Recovery" & "install custom ROM" 才可以顺利装到一些很常用的程式, 例如 WhatsApp. 

FU....K! 天晓得这些东西对于电脑白痴的我是多难搞!

后来打电话向高手求救, 他说即使我搞得掂以上三个程序, 别人放出来的ROM也会有很多bugs, 到时候解 bugs 解到傻!

所以我当机立断 (好像很英明但其实很蠢!!!), 钱可以解决的问题就无谓多想, 马上出 iphone, 把Samsung Galaxy R给了朋友估价 (希望卖得好价钱吧!)

5 則留言:

  1. 哈哈,繼浪子後,又多一個人走上了一條 iPhone 不歸之路喇。

  2. Ha, what a coincidence.

    It is my first time to link here and I am considering to change my cellphone.

    But this one seems to be too big for me.

    I am a Cantonese in mainland, Guangzhou city. I am very happy can share your views through your blog !

  3. You are not an computer 'idiot', just one of millions of typical users, including me. People like us don't want necessary trouble when it comes to using gadget like smartphone. As such, iPhone is the natural choice, being an iPhone user for 3 years, I would say that you make the right choice. Welcome to the club! :)

  4. Jack and Joel, thanks. Happy Chinese New Year!
