2012年4月4日 星期三

Zeitgeist : Moving Forward


This is really interesting, informative and inspiring film I have watched recently.

It talks about human needs and values. How our society is formed and corrupted. In Zeitgeists' eyes, the capitalism has to be ended because the use of money system erodes our soul and over exploited the finite resources of our planet. It will eventually lead to self destruction of human being, in foreseeable future.

The explanation of poverty and how it affects human is impressive. Scientific research shows that poverty doesn't make people health deteriorating, it's the feeling of poor make people sick. This explains why in the highly stratified and affluent society, the lowest class people are sad and unhealthy even there is public health system taking care of them. The inequality of the society is the root of the problem.

Zeitgeist would like to minimize the inequalities and come up with an idea of "Resource Based Management System" society. They advocate to abandon the money system. Instead of using money as an incentives to drive people work, they think that in a well calculated society, we don't need to work at all! They use computer to calculate human needs, resources inventory in the planet and to track production and allocation of goods.

The system doesn't have bias on race, sex, rich and poor. There is no more country boundaries, no more distinction of American, African, Chinese, Japanese etc. All resources in the planet are pooled together and goods are manufactured in the nearest proximity of cities. Machine automation takes over labour work. Human can focus their time and energy on creativity.

The whole idea is just like a massive planned society in scientific fiction. I don't believe that it can be so flawless as it presented. Nothing designed and planned by human being can be flawless. But the fact is that neither Capitalism nor Communism work out right now, our society development has come to a bottleneck and really need new theories of breakthrough. The one Zeitgeist suggested might one of them. 

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