2013年5月1日 星期三

The Rules of Life

I went to Zhongshan to visit relatives last weekend. I have foreseen that would be plenty of times for reading but forgot to bring along a book when I left home. When I arrived at the ferry port for departure, I have one hour left and I haven't had lunch yet. The nearest book shop is a few blocks away. I made a decision: I ran across the street, rushed into the book shop, took a few minutes to look around and then purchased anything which appeared to make some sense. This is how I get this book. I came back just in time to join lunch with my boyfriend and his sister near the ferry port.

All the rules sound familiar. They serve reminders of what we have already known but hardly stick to them in our daily lives.

I appreciate very much the presentation skills of the writer, Richard Templar. How he elaborates common senses in simple, clear, interesting and inspiring way is a kind of skill that as worthy to learn as the "Rules" themselves.

Rules that give me insights:
No. 2: You'll get older but not necessarily wiser
No. 11: Be the last to raise your voice
No. 17: Change what you can change, let go of the rest
No. 19: Don't expect to be perfect
No. 45: Maintain good manners in all things
No. 57: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

