今年七一遊行從下午3點入維園, 等了差不多2小時, 又行了2小時多, 才達到SOGO門口.
挺著鐵手托, 有點累, 雖然沒有走完全程, 但也算盡了自己的一分力量.
有很多不同的團體一起走上街, 普遍的政治口號, 例如打倒地產霸權, 爭取民主自由這些我是非常贊成的.
遊行隊伍裏面, 我覺得法輪功似乎是聲勢最浩大, 最有組織性的隊伍, 不過由於看過李天命的《從思考到思考之上》, 評論其教義之荒謬, 所以我覺得它其實是一門邪教. (當然, 我覺得某些基督教, 例如林以諾牧師反同性戀之流的基督教, 亦是邪教.)
遊行也有令人費解的地方, 為什麼會有人拿著英國國旗?
雖然我不想西環治港, 但更不想英國殖民統治哦!
警員似乎是低估了遊行人數, 所以一開始封路得太少, 讓人群一直擠在街道上寸步難行. 後來由於人數太多, 逼不得已放行, 這樣一來, 又令數十部電車, 的士, 巴士等塞在路中心. 其實如果遊行人士是如此之多, 根本應該所有行車線都一早封閉, 不能再行車, 不會令某些市民誤上了公共交通工具而塞死在街上數小時.
3 則留言:
Hi small bottle, the Police have NOT underestimated the scale of the march, instead they are the Police's tricks to suppress the march, creat conflicts between the protestors and road uses (passengers and drivers) and slow down the speed of the march. Some people may drop out because of this.
I took part in marches many years ago including those before 1997 and 2003, I noted the Police's attitude towards the protesters has become very stringent and barbarian.
In conclusion, the Police is trying very hard to stifle the freedom of demonstration/ march and democracy!
And the bosses/owners of TV, newspaper and radio have joined hand in hand to suppress HK's freedom and democracy rather than safeguarding it!!
HK is being killed by these HK people!!!
1. 更不想英國殖民統治---------->因為有些人發現,英國殖民統治還好過中共殖民統治。
2. 警方是故意封路不當,令部分市民覺得示威者「製造麻煩」的。上次去中聯辦,警方竟然把本來不經干諮道西的巴士都轉到那位置,結果警察把示威者和巴士一併堵住就是例子。
虽然甘讲可能要求高左, 我觉得香港人去得游行示威,应该操练好D体能, 唔好逼少少, 热少少就顶唔顺晕低.