31 July 2009
Dear member,
We started the year with the world's economy in turmoil and at the council's "away day" in February, we considered a host of support activities for members.
Recently, as we approached the end of our financial year in June, we reviewed our finances and made two decisions of immediate benefit to members:
 | One-off fee rebate (HK$11 million): We have decided to issue a 31 July 2009 Dear member, We started the year with the world's economy in turmoil and at the council's "away day" in February, we considered a host of support activities for members. Recently, as we approached the end of our financial year in June, we reviewed our finances and made two decisions of immediate benefit to members:  | One-off fee rebate (HK$11 million): We have decided to issue a one-off fee rebate of $380 to all members as at 30 June 2009. This will mean a return of fees to members of $11 million in total. The rebate will be paid via deduction from the 2010 subscription to save administrative cost. Members may choose to donate their rebates to the HKICPA Trust Fund to help members in need. | to all members as at 30 June 2009. This will mean a return of fees to members of $11 million in total. The rebate will be paid via deduction from the 2010 subscription to save administrative cost. Members may choose to donate their rebates to the HKICPA Trust Fund to help members in need.
照道理会计师工会甘有米, 应该派晒D钱出来啦, 大佬间野拎住HK$138M现金(as at 30 June 08, 今年都应该系有多无少) , 派得嗰HK$11M, 来年直头应该唔收会费, 用晒D钱先算啦.