公司的ERP project 进入了胶着状态. 预计今个月应该会 launch晒所有主要modules, 但最后连一半目标都无法达到.
其中很主要的原因是写程式的 programmer极度/非常/十分不小心. 每次报表出街都没有作详细的测试, 结果每一份都可以找到十九几万样错误, 活脱脱的 Stephy's writing style.
今日我上大陆检查盘点表并与ERP对数时, 发现在ERP里面某种 sorting 在 screen 看没有错, 但 print 出来的时候却出错了. 为什么看到的竟然会与print 出来的版本不一样, 对于我这种IT盲来说, 真的无法理解.
幸好, 我想到个方法暂时解决了这个问题 - 把报表 print screen 去小画家, 再print出来, 否则今日又白行一趟了.
本来我厂的工人提交的盘点表已经够混乱, 错误百出, 另一个活生生的 Stephy's writing style, 看得我无名火起. 现在ERP还帮我添乱, 所以即时打电话给programmer, 铲到佢上天花顶.
其中很主要的原因是写程式的 programmer极度/非常/十分不小心. 每次报表出街都没有作详细的测试, 结果每一份都可以找到十九几万样错误, 活脱脱的 Stephy's writing style.
今日我上大陆检查盘点表并与ERP对数时, 发现在ERP里面某种 sorting 在 screen 看没有错, 但 print 出来的时候却出错了. 为什么看到的竟然会与print 出来的版本不一样, 对于我这种IT盲来说, 真的无法理解.
幸好, 我想到个方法暂时解决了这个问题 - 把报表 print screen 去小画家, 再print出来, 否则今日又白行一趟了.
本来我厂的工人提交的盘点表已经够混乱, 错误百出, 另一个活生生的 Stephy's writing style, 看得我无名火起. 现在ERP还帮我添乱, 所以即时打电话给programmer, 铲到佢上天花顶.
而且, 下班前用零度以下的语气, 「礼貌地」要求生产部主管/经理及相关文员, 无论今日如何加班都要執番好个盘点表.
12 則留言:
在一般情況, display和print是兩set程式, 所以如果有錯, 要兩邊改. 如果隨便一邊忘了改,就會兩邊不一樣.
後來我已經會用一set code專門做format, 然后把format好的output分別代入display_to_screen()和send_to_printer()
oh, 原来系甘.
人都係講一套做一套啦, 何況是程式
Love your quick thinking and workaround to print screen. :) As you were able to tell the print result is different from your screen.
Now, of course, how do you know your screen was showing you the right result? As you can't tell easily if the programmer had messed up the internal processing of the data.
launch all major modules? Accounting, Sales Management, Purchase Management and Inventory Modules etc.? Then, the chance for successful launch would be... almost equal to zero! (especially tailed-made system)
anyway, good luck!
The data are cross checked to physical stock and all material variances will be found, in that way, we'll know the integrity of data.
So far, I think the data should be alright, just the report cannot present the required sorting method. This creates additional work for data matching process.
Not all modules are launched at the same time, we have divided it into several phrases. According the the budget timetable, all major modules mentioned by you should have already done or at least at the User Acceptance Test phrase. Unluckily, it's obvious only Accounting and Part of the Sales Module can be operated right now. That's why I said that the software company is far far far behind the deadline.
The Accounting Module might have more problems in most of the cases. It should be proved to be OK even stand alone. Otherwise, you might face more headache problems when other modules linked to the accounting module.
By the way, many programmers don't have clear accounting concept. If the inventory module linked to the accounting, there would be some mistakes. (Especially for the cases of goods return, and the related costing problem.)
The accounting modules has the least tailor-made stuff, therefore, least errors arise.
One of the key issues is that the internet assess is very unstable so that it affects the data transfer from PRC to HK and vice versa. The computer company is finding solutions, either streamlining their programs or automating the connection among two ISP.
Another issue is that there are multiple and complicated errors in sales modules when we are launched. It takes us almost 6 months to solve it.
One of the solution for remote access is Citrix. Or you can spend more to secure a dedicated line. All about $$$.
we have tried leased line solution before, however, we would like to try some cheaper solutions..hehe..