情侶們墮入愛河時彼此承諾"Till death us do part" 是何等浪漫. 甚至乎如果是 “Till death us 都唔 part” , 那會如何呢?
現實中實踐, 可以是很恐怖的.
年輕貌美的女主角嫁給有權有勢的大亨, 不久卻和大亨的養子相愛.
大亨知道後傷心欲絕, 他懲罰他倆的方法是隨他們繼續相愛, 但要用鐵練綁著他們的手, 讓他們一定要永遠在一起.
起初的幾個月, 男女主角仍在熱戀階段, 眼裏只容得下對方, 過了一段無比的快樂的日子. 但時間一久, 大家在生活細節開始發生摩擦, 大家發脾氣之時無法掙脫枷鎖令關係緩和, 令裂痕越來越深. 男主角開始醒覺到, 與養父之間的關係和自身的事業前途全被這段愛情毀掉了; 女主角則覺得自由戀愛的夢想破滅. 大家為此都深陷痛苦之中.
他們曾經求大亨的原諒, 讓他們解開鎖鏈, 但大亨只是冷冷的告訴他們, 要他們領略到永恆的真正意思, 即使死亡, 也不能分開.
男女主角試過逃亡, 想離開大亨的勢力範圍, 然後找工具開鎖, 卻失敗告終. 他們從悲傷變成絕望. 後來女主角懷孕, 男主角下定決心, 求養父給他手槍, 讓他自殺而給女主角好好地活下去的機會. 在生離死別之時, 他們又從拾當初相愛的種種浪漫的回憶, 女主角巧妙地拿起手槍, 先一步自殺死了.
男主角抱著女主角的屍體, 再度哭求養父讓他解開鎖鏈, 大亨仍然不肯. 他抱著屍體回房, 為她搽淨身體, 睡在她旁邊. 但想不到, 第二天女主角的屍身已經開始腐爛, 異常恐怖, 男主角在半睡半醒之間, 看到美貌如花的愛人變成如此模樣, 被嚇到神經失常.
自此, 男主角就在森林裏過著野人的生活, 偶然會發出淒勵絕望如野獸般的嚎叫聲.
8 則留言:
Thanks for disclose the whole story of the movie. It sounds like a nightmare created from a fairy tale.
I think the story is simple, impressive, dramatic but true.
That adopted son was a coward. Any decent human being should have beaten up the foster father in such situation.
The foster father is like a King in his castle, he has lots of loyal servants to protect him.
But the most important point is that the adopted son has taken his foster father's wife, he felt guilty for his own behaviour.
As a lovely girl, do you mean you agree:
Guilt feeling towards father should be greater than (be a man)'s love towards his lover?
Practising unqualfied Accountant
unfaithfulness would bring guilt even you are passionately in love with your lover.
"unfaithfulness would bring guilt even you are passionately in love with your lover."
I agree. Even the love is real!