2012年8月24日 星期五


和朋友通訊從以前的褒電話粥, 進展到ICQ, MSN, 現在的 facebook/blog, 最新的是 whatsapp.

Whatsapp這個用在smartphone上的即時溝通工具, 實在令人爪狂! 可能10分鐘的電話, 在msn 談半小時, 到了whatsapp, 大概可以攤長到1小時來談.而且, 就我自身而言, 寫比打字慢太多了, 又經常執筆忘字, 理論上不應該利用它作主要溝通和交流的工具, 但還是忍不住有隨時隨地想回復訊息的欲望. 


4 則留言:

匿名 提到...

People have forgotten the fundamental function of phones.

It is voice call!

Betty 提到...


匿名 提到...

Hi, is your Eng name Betty?

U read a lot of books wor! How many books u read a month?

To me, U are very intelligent and smart.

Good at analysis and has achievement in career, but is also tender and sentimental ....

Ladies like you usually aim very high and look for a man who is comparable to you in various aspects....


Betty 提到...

Thanks for your compliment! :)