《名校刁鑽小一面試題 網上熱傳 「clinic與hospital分別?」 「給你1萬元會買什麼?」》
I am not sure whether I can answer these answer probably even when I am almost 30 years old right now. However, the teachers expected a 5 years old child to answer these questions.1. 「What's the difference between clinic and hospital?」
I am not sure whether I know how to say "I don't know." when I was five. However, I am sure if I do know how to say "I don't know." at that time, that would be my answer.
2. 「If I give you $10000, what will you buy?」
Again, I would say I don't know, because I could not imagine what's the purchasing power of HK$10K when I was five.
Now, I would say, I want to buy all of your fantastic answers and end this fucking interview.
3. 「請用普通話唱出一首兒歌」
Sorry, this one I gave up. I haven't heard any Putonghua song for children before.