少年痴呆, 相信神秘樂觀, 祈盼思想走天涯.
i liek watchign people "Liu Bay C", very interesting, i like seeing what's his action after "Liu-ed", roll?paste? or shoot!?
oh...shxt, gooossshhhhh...嘩, 沙漠狐狸, 你...你...你嘅想像力...核凸到呢 !! ;p
i saw many people does it, but i dont knwo why...they are eating dust actually...um.....uncle wont eat, kids and young pppl would
以前讀書時,有個敎西史的老師喜歡把佢張椅子放在兩行學生坐位的中間,然後佢會把他的手放在學生的椅子. 而我當時坐第一排.呢個老師常常敎敎下,就挖佢個鼻孔. 坐在近距離的我,真係覺得好嘔心.
他本来是一名”矿工“,敎西史是他的PT job
也可能是. 佢做這個行為時,一點難為情都冇.好彩我地係中二生,如果係小學生,搞不好以為這是正常行為.跟佢一起做礦工.
as people has pointed out, there are people who would actually do that. No doubt it is disgusting.
8 則留言:
i liek watchign people "Liu Bay C", very interesting, i like seeing what's his action after "Liu-ed", roll?paste? or shoot!?
oh...shxt, gooossshhhhh...
嘩, 沙漠狐狸, 你...你...你嘅想像力...核凸到呢 !! ;p
i saw many people does it, but i dont knwo why...they are eating dust actually...um.....uncle wont eat, kids and young pppl would
以前讀書時,有個敎西史的老師喜歡把佢張椅子放在兩行學生坐位的中間,然後佢會把他的手放在學生的椅子. 而我當時坐第一排.
呢個老師常常敎敎下,就挖佢個鼻孔. 坐在近距離的我,真係覺得好嘔心.
他本来是一名”矿工“,敎西史是他的PT job
也可能是. 佢做這個行為時,一點難為情都冇.
as people has pointed out, there are people who would actually do that. No doubt it is disgusting.