2009年2月11日 星期三
Valentine Kiss
I don't know how much excitement that the Valentine Day will bring to normal people, but I am sure the approaching of this day does drive someone crazy.
Today, when I was walking towards the TST MTR station, a handsome foreigner talked to me.
Handsome Guy (smile): "Can you give me your name?"
Little Bottle (OK, this guy is handsome and it is no harm to give him my name): "Betty"
Handsome Guy: "Is Hang Seng Bank down stairs?"
Little Bottle : "Yup, down stairs and go straight"
Handsome Guy: "Can you walk along with me?"
Little Bottle : "Um........I have to meet my friends"
Handsome Guy: "Oh, you have a date to your friend"
Little Bottle : "Yup."
Handsome Guy: "Can you give me a Valentine Kiss?"
Little Bottle (too shock to response) : ".............."
Handsome Guy: "Do you know what's a Valentine Kiss? Could I show you?"
Little Bottle : "Oh, no...."
張貼留言 (Atom)
14 則留言:
I don't have race discrimination. In whatever race, I take it as compliment, as long as the guy doesn't take the action without my consent.
咁激?? 算唔算艷遇??
我...俾鬼丙就有份!! :(
不過九龍灣果d質素, 唔好話valentine kiss, 連問路都想兜巴星佢!!!
Valentine kiss? 我又要.
呢個鬼佬已經好cheap喎,將蘭桂芳叫免費雞果套嘢拎嚟周街搵女,咁不如喺街搵條鬼妹要 valentine kiss 唔知得唔得呢?
可能隻鬼在香港住得太久,習慣了蘭桂芳的叫免費雞果套,以為全香港嘅女人都係 LKF 咁殘賤囉!
我都觉得好LKF, 当时系中午十二点几哦! 日光日白, 周围又甘多人, 甘都要 valentine kiss...真系好大胆.
哈, 如果唔靓仔,就唔话佢知我嗰名啦, 好明显, 我有"样"discrimination.
茫茫人海個個都唔搵係要搵你嚟個 Valentine Kiss,而你又覺得佢係 handsome guy,好明顯呢 D 做叫緣份啦!
可惜, 就比我一个"NO", 就无左啦....
失去了一次扩阔 dating「国际视野」的机会添!!!
耶~~ 我又要Valentine Kiss 啊!