選 Michael Sandel 的這本書有幾個巧合的原因:其一,他的另外兩本著作《Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do》和《What Money Can't Buy》都是我非常喜歡的書,有時間絕對會重溫一遍。而且我看過他在 youtube 的教學片段,對這位哈佛哲學系教授很有熟悉感。此外,正好有位朋友昨天在 facebook探討『完美』的問題,而這本《反對完美》很薄,內容簡短,更可能提供了『完美』的答案 (香港教育體制下的學生,似乎終身都在尋找 model answers)。
少年時代的 Pi 已經是這樣一位想盡辦法去改變世界的人,這就為船難後,他一個人在大海上漂浮了二百多天而能夠生還,作了伏線。
在驚濤駭浪之中, Pi曾經狂嘯問天: “ I lost my family, I surrender everything, what do you want from me?" 這時候的他充滿着憤怒、悲痛和絕望。風浪過後,他和老虎跟疲力盡,然後平靜地說:"I am ready (to die)." 很像人生,到達谷底時,不要問原因,things just happen. 當不再浪費力氣去仇恨命運時,天自自然然會給予一個歸宿。
這時, Pi 漂流到一個地圖上找不到的神奇島,島裡面提供了無盡給養,但是島裡面卻隱藏危機。夜裡,它會變成吃人島,貪戀島上的給養而留下的人,會寂寂無聞地死去。有位年輕的同事談論此片時,說最深刻印象的就是那個島。我馬上問:「你是否覺得自己就在島中?」 他支吾以對,我知說中了他的心事。 他覺得在公司裡的發展未如理想,屈屈不得志,但又不像 Pi 一樣下定決心離開,近年一直在內心交戰。
但是,我卻不覺得咱們公司是那個吃人的荒島,反而有點像 Pi 身邊的老虎,老虎和 Pi 的生死存亡是拴在一起的。老虎會給予Pi警覺性,使他在茫茫大海裡面保存性命。但是,Pi 也要用盡全力去餵食牠,使自己不會成為虎口裡的食物。從另一個角度去看,每間公司,都會有些像老虎一樣的人物,隨時要把你撕掉或者冷不防地咬你一口。但是即使面對禽獸,也有方法能夠和牠溝通和共存,只是我們有沒有像 Pi 一樣的勇氣和想像力,把方法給找出來而已。
大師說:“英文的 proud of 及 pride,意義偏向褒義(貶義是
complacent、arrogant),但中文的「驕傲」是貶義,榮幸、光榮、榮譽、自豪等是褒義,卻都被英文 proud of 及 pride
I am very fond of this muscial since I was a secondary school student. I love the melody of the songs, the story is fruitful and the confrontation of the main characters Jean Valjean and Javert inspire me about the meaning of justice.
I have been listening to the muscial many many times. I can almost remember every songs and every details of the plot. However, this is the first time, I am so touched and cry in the movie.
The particular plot depicting Fantine who tried very hard to earn a living for her child that makes me cry. She was kicked away by the ill-minded factory foreman. Then, she sold all that she could sold, her beautiful long hair, her healthy and lovely teeth and finally her pride.
When she sang "I dream a dream" , I felt my heart stop beating. The song "work song" could provoke my anger, this song made my heart melt.
However, no matter how the world treated these people, so cruel and unfair, each of them met one person who showed sympathy and forgiveness. Only one good person, that could make their lives completely turn around. In the complete darkness of the living, the power of love shines.
That's why the muscial can be so everlasting. It's really worthy to revisit on and off continously in your life time as a reminder of the power of sympathy, forgiveness and love.