2013年1月11日 星期五

Les Miserables

I am very fond of this muscial since I was a secondary school student. I love the melody of the songs, the story is fruitful and the confrontation of the main characters Jean Valjean and Javert inspire me about the meaning of justice.

I have been listening to the muscial many many times. I can almost remember every songs and every details of the plot. However, this is the first time, I am so touched and cry in the movie.

The particular plot depicting Fantine who tried very hard to earn a living for her child that makes me cry. She was kicked away by the ill-minded factory foreman. Then, she sold all that she could sold, her beautiful long hair, her healthy and lovely teeth and finally her pride.  

When she sang "I dream a dream" , I felt my heart stop beating. The song "work song" could provoke my anger, this song made my heart melt. 

However, no matter how the world treated these people, so cruel and unfair, each of them met one person who showed sympathy and forgiveness. Only one good person, that could make their lives completely turn around. In the complete darkness of the living, the power of love shines.

That's why the muscial can be so everlasting. It's really worthy to revisit on and off continously in your life time as a reminder of the power of sympathy, forgiveness and love.

2 則留言:

seikomatic 提到...

呢套系倫敦睇過live,本來中意 plantom d 歌仔多d 拔睇完都無濕望既,現場收音既電影,可以多角度,應該好睇過live既。考慮中。

Betty 提到...

電影提供了畫面, 配合歌聲更加有張力。

Phantom of the opera 我也喜歡聽,不過phantom是單純愛情, 但Les Miserables 的故事包括了民族,親情,友情,愛情,甚至是陌生人,敵人之間的大愛,所以故事上豐富許多。