2010年3月16日 星期二


今日在公司吃完饭盒后, 拿了一本书到McCafe, 买了杯咖啡坐到近窗的位置看书.

不久两个女人到来, 坐在我邻近的位置, 我与她们中间, 还隔了一个座位, 坐着一位女士, 正在看日文笔记.

这两个女人铺一坐下, 其中一位便马上 manly 地高声数臭她的下属. 音浪之大, 简直等于肥妈在 McCafe 开 concert.

邻座的女士与我, 都不其然对她侧目. 那个女人一头长直发, 穿一套黑色直条西装连西裤, 大约四十多岁的年纪, 肥胖, 一脸悍相. 她一边说得兴起, 一边向着她的朋友指手画脚.

她的朋友用50度分呗的声音劝她, 带来的结果却是被她用150度分呗的声音回骂说: 「你根本都唔了解我!」接着更加变本加厉地大声发表伟大的统治下属论.

我坐了十分种, 受够了这些 bullshit 嘈音, 拿着杯咖啡转去离她们最远的座位上, 尝试回到我的书本中.

但那个女人的声浪实在太大了, 即使有不少其他嘈杂的声音, 但整个 McCafe 任何一个角落都能听到她那来自地狱的咆哮.

结果, 我只好收书离去.

6 則留言:

匿名 提到...


ocelot 提到...

I think there is some problem with the interior design of McCafe, bcoz you rarely face that kind of problem in starbucks or pacific coffee

on the other hand, perhaps it is the customers that are at fault. so the premium you paid for starbucks is actually sitting with a group of relatively polite customers.

韻味熊貓 提到...



Betty 提到...


I go to McCafe because it's cheap. I don't want to spend too much as I only have half an hour.

I know the environment will be a little bit noisy but I don't expect a "talk show".

If those two women hadn't come, my life would be much easier. HAHA~~

匿名 提到...

雖你沒高聲數臭其它人, 但你經常性且喋喋不休數別人不是, 亦顯九十步笑一百步

stbia 提到...
