今天用了15分钟, 把夏天的衣服叠起, 再挂上冬天的衣物, 橱柜的空间顿时非常松动.
有网友留言话自己的衣柜執完都甘逼, 点样先可以令自己的衣柜 Big D呢? 可以参考以下片段 :
If you feel 逼, you should find Big !!!
New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner is "on track" to be offered the treasury secretary post, two sources close to the transition team said Friday.
Two sources also said Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico is a serious contender for commerce secretary, but that he could be tapped for another senior post.
Geithner has played a large role in the government's efforts to wrangle the credit crisis, which has damaged markets and economies worldwide. While a number of those efforts have been controversial, Geithner remains a well-regarded figure from Wall Street to Washington.
Geithner began working with the Treasury Department in 1988 in the International Affairs division.
In 1999 he became under secretary of the treasury for international affairs.
Geithner would be charged with restoring stability to the financial markets, the banking system and the housing sector through oversight of the controversial $700 billion financial rescue package, of which about half is still available for use at the discretion of the treasury secretary.
The Dow Jones industrial index staged a late rally after traders heard news of Geithner's possible appointment, rising by almost 500 points shortly before the market's closing time. Read more about Geithner and expectations for the Cabinet position
图案制作工具: 小画家(本報訊)索馬里海盜威脅船公司交付贖金,贖回上周六被騎劫的沙特超級油輪「天狼星」號,據報要求贖金至少一千萬美元。而自「天狼星」號被騎劫數天 以來,再有三艘船被挾持。索馬里的海盜沒有說明贖金款額,但英國傳媒報道,料海盜要求的贖金超過一千萬美元,亦有索馬里的網站聲稱,海盜欲索取2.5億美 元贖款。阿聯酋半島電視台播放的錄影帶中,一名自稱是索馬里海盜、名為阿布德賈穆的男子表示,談判可在「天狼星」號油輪船上和陸上進行,只要同意交出贖 金,便可以船隻把贖金現款運送到「天狼星」號。又稱:「我們將會利用機器點算贖款,我們亦擁有可辨別偽鈔的機器。」美軍北約按兵不動美國及北約的軍艦暫仍 按兵不動,不會派船攔截「天狼星」號,以免危及船上人員的安全。美國國防部19日還稱,軍事武力並非對付海盜活動浪潮的良策,海運公司也應遵守在海岸外較 安全的海上運輸線上航行,並且投資保護措施,包括技術裝置和武裝警衛。美國國務院曾召集高層官員集會以檢視這個問題,但國務院發言人稱此事為「國際問 題」,美國不會單獨去解決這個問題。 港船員被劫持已獲釋索馬里海盜同時繼續騎劫船隻,包括一艘開往伊朗的泰國漁船、一艘希臘貨船及一艘懸香港特區旗、載有25名船員的「Delight」號貨 船。另外,9月時在索馬里附近海域被海盜騎劫的「Great Creation」號香港貨輪,已於19日上午獲釋,船上25名船員全部健康安全。這艘貨輪是中國對外貿易運輸船舶管理有限公司旗下的貨輪,船上有一名香 港船員,其餘為中國大陸船員及一名斯里蘭卡船員。印度海軍擊沉海盜母船此外,一艘天津貨船「天裕八」號14日駛經肯尼亞海域時被海盜劫持。與此同時,印度 政府19日表示,印度海軍派往亞丁灣的護衛艦,18日晚與企圖施襲的索馬里海盜駁火,擊沉了一艘海盜的母船。
图案制作工具: 小画家