I ran a count and found myself with 11 pair of shoes.
I wear the same pair of shoes since May (before that the same pair of show for a year until they are worn out). The only other time I would change shoe is when I am playing sport.
The rest of the shoes are just collecting dust right now.
I realize that my feet has shrunk as well. I used to wear 44.5 and now I am wearing 43.5.
I have the same no. pairs of shoes as yours, 11 should be a lucky number.
I think guys are lucky that they don't need to spend much money on shoes as women. All kind of suits match well with black leather shoes. However, it's odd to see a woman only have one pair of high heel shoes.
Basically a guy only needs one pair of black leather shoes and one pair of athletic shoes.
27 則留言:
系吖, 全部都系我D 鞋.
我有尖头同小圆头的鞋, 我着呢两种鞋型的鞋着得舒服.
if you kick me in the shin, it would really hurts. Remind me to never upset you.
Yup or if I nail on your toe by using the heel....
stupid question,鞋吾係尖就係圓...!
我最近中意著D蠢蠢地ga鞋.尖頭鞋以前都好中意,我size 35,how about you?
要問瓶子兄你本人好了! XD
3 ear,
有写鞋是方头的嘛, 或是大圆型嗰D 我米不喜欢咯.
我size 38左右啦.
迟D 整嗰手袋系列.
我就系因为觉得boot 无地方放, 所以决定不买, 现在只有相片中的那对短boot.
如果有Mr. Big 整比Carrie 甘0既鞋架, 我真系唔介意买一百对鞋返来摆, 纯属观赏都系一种享受.
我真係有超過100對鞋,過冇Carrie 甘0既鞋架 :(
一个人只有一双腿, 为什么有那么多鞋呢? 这是一个迷 <-
哗!! 我计埋波鞋都系11对, 少你十倍哦....
我有3個鞋櫃兩小一大,搵日post...女人嘛???都係shopping animal...今晚又出動!
3個鞋櫃兩小一大 ? 太厉害了 !!
I ran a count and found myself with 11 pair of shoes.
I wear the same pair of shoes since May (before that the same pair of show for a year until they are worn out). The only other time I would change shoe is when I am playing sport.
The rest of the shoes are just collecting dust right now.
I realize that my feet has shrunk as well. I used to wear 44.5 and now I am wearing 43.5.
I have the same no. pairs of shoes as yours, 11 should be a lucky number.
I think guys are lucky that they don't need to spend much money on shoes as women. All kind of suits match well with black leather shoes. However, it's odd to see a woman only have one pair of high heel shoes.
Basically a guy only needs one pair of black leather shoes and one pair of athletic shoes.
哦?又多鞋就百足ga la?
波鞋用来行山, 而且能够防水, 所以我是会买有牌子的. 我嗰对是Timberland, 无可避免系会贵少少啦.
不过个人来讲就真系觉得timberland 的行山鞋几好, 我买呢对之前, 都系因为上次嗰对timerland穿左洞 (着左4年左右).
因为波鞋我成日着, 而且好多时都用来行D 有尖石的山路, 所以觉得着到3,4年算几耐用啦.
arh, being a modest middle aged professional, I regularly used to have five pairs of black leather shoes for my daily use.